Sun Zhe: the "five upgrading projects" consolidates the achievement of poverty alleviation





Sun Zhe: thefive upgrading projectsconsolidates the achievement of poverty alleviation

As the ecological core of Hainan province, how Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County to work on the poverty alleviation, Ecological Protection, tourism development and people’s livelihood in 2019? Sun Zhe, deputy to the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress, secretary of the Qiongzhong County Committee, had an interview with the reporter.She indicated that Qiongzhong would make efforts on the target of poverty alleviation, it would focus on developing the “five upgrading projects” with characteristic industry, employable skills, rural living condition, rural civilization and party’s construction and the achievement of poverty alleviation.

In the aspect of ecological protection, Qiongzhong would carry out the project of ecological migration, supporting the construction of rainforest national park, recovering and enlarging the natural ecological space of rainforest step by step; It would legally starting the forest management, exploring the Redemption system of commercial forest, transferring economic forest through leasing and replacement. It would also focus on the construction of “provincial forest city”and make efforts to become the “national forest city”.

In the aspect of developing tourism, Qiongzhong would develop the construction of tourism project such as Anshijie Hot Spring and Feishui Mountain, promoting the tourism supporting facilities such as national walkway, tourist service centre, campground and parking lot. It would also enhance the tourism promotion and marketing, making effort on introducing one to two influential tourism enterprises to Qiongzhong. Qiongzhong would have more than 180 million tourists a year and the revenue would reach 650 million.

In the aspect of people’s livelihood project, Qiongzhong would develop the “six big projects of rural road”and focus on the construction of “four good rural roads”, launching 30 slow buses and building 38 bus stations. It would start the action for rural drinking safety, accelerating the construction of 6 water supply plants and 100 projects of standardization of incorporated villages’drinking water sources, constructing 50 rural drinking  projects to guarantee villagers’drinking water safety; It would develop “gas replacing firewood”project, finish the construction of gas station, making efforts on achieving the fully covering of gas pipes at the villages in 2020.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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