Wu Chuanzhu: to Promote the high quality development with high execution


  乐东黎族自治县县委书记吴川祝:以高执行力 推动高质量发展







Wu Chuanzhu: to Promote the high quality development with high execution

Wu Chuanzhu, secretary of the Ledong Li Autonomous County Committee , indicated that Ledong would make efforts in five ways to implement the spirit of the two sessions, with high execution to promote the high quality development.

In terms of overcoming poverty, it would working on all aspects, solving the problem of "two no worries, three guarantees", supporting the industries and employment.

In terms of high-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics, according to the layout of "one city, two districts" in the province, it would utilize 11 million mu of Nanfan base resources to develop the construction of the Ledong international agricultural and products trade city, the core base of national Nanfan scientific research and breeding, establishing the "Nanfan Huangliu characteristic industrial town.

In terms of tourism, it would focus on the construction of thousand villages and towns in Hainan.It would develop the urbanization and tourism transformation of 11 towns, ensuring the  old west railway line from Sanya to Ledong would have the transformation of public transport tourism, Maojiu line and Tianxin line national roads renovation projects would start the construction, actively integrating into the "Big Sanya Economic Circle."

In terms of the construction of ecological civilization, it would develop the social action, environmental remediation of rural ecological environment, promoting the integration of urban and rural sanitation, consolidating the achievements of the national health county, Hainan civilized city and provincial garden county.

In terms of the business environment, we would strengthen the building of the Party’s work style, enhancing the execution, improving the "eight abilities" of leading cadres, and utilize all kinds of esources.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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