Detailed rules of talents' housing rental and purchasing subsidies released in Haikou

Recently, the "Detailed Rules for Implementation of Housing Security for Introducing Talents in Haikou" was released. The first batch of talents' housing rental subsidies and purchasing subsidies in Haikou started to be accepted on February 13, 2019.

The rules include the following talents who were employed in Haikou or started their own business in Haikou for the first time after May 13, 2018:

(1) Master-level talents, outstanding talents and leading talents who meet the requirements stipulated in Hainan Provincial High-level Talent Classification Standard (2017) ;

(2) Top-notch talents and other high-level talents under the age of 50 and meeting the conditions stipulated in Hainan Provincial High-level Talent Classification Standard (2017), the urgent need for talents can be relaxed to 55 Years old (including foreigners and talents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan);

(3) Full-time master's graduates under the age of 40 and full-time undergraduate graduates under the age of 35 (including foreign and overseas college graduates);

(4) Qualified personnel with intermediate professional titles, technician qualifications, practicing doctor qualifications, or practicing qualifications that have been clearly stipulated by the nation and the province to employ intermediate professional and technical positions;
(5) Senior management talents introduced by the headquarters economic enterprises;

(6) Other talents recognized by the provincial and municipal governments for housing security.

As of the housing subsidies, the housing rental subsidy for the top-notch talents under the age of 50 (the need for shortage of talents can be relaxed to 55 years old) is 5,000 yuan/month, and the housing purchase subsidy is 60,000 yuan/year; the housing rental subsidy for the other high-level talents under 50 years old (the urgent need for talent shortage can be relaxed to 55 years old) is 3,000 yuan/month, and the housing purchase subsidy 36,000 yuan/year; the housing rental subsidy for the master graduates and qualified personnel under 40 years old is 2,000 yuan/month, and the housing purchase subsidy is 24,000 yuan/year; the housing rental subsidy for the undergraduate graduates is 1,500 yuan/month, and the housing purchase subsidy is 18,000 yuan/year.

Responsible editor: 胥圣兰
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