The Voice of Hainan: Hainan establishes international exchange center for Supreme People's Court

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第17期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from


Hainan establishes international exchange center for Supreme People's Court

The Hainan Base of the Judges International Exchange Center of the Supreme People's Court was established in Sanya on Feb 25.
The center is expected to further enhance the Hainan courts' business environment, international civil and commercial regulations, judicial capacity, and trial team building capabilities.
The center represents Hainan's important role in establishing judicial cooperation between China and other countries, publicizing Chinese law, and strengthening China's influence around the world. It will also offer an opportunity for domestic courts to learn from foreign judicial systems and build international awareness.


Hainan sets up multi-billion-yuan fund for FTZ construction

Hainan has launched a 3 billion yuan (449 million U.S. dollars) fund for free trade zone (FTZ) construction, local authorities said Sunday.

The municipal government of Sanya, a popular tourist city, and Hainan Development Holdings Co. Ltd. each invested 1.5 billion yuan to set up Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone Opening and Development Fund. The fund, with a target scale of 50 billion yuan, will offer financial support for projects in Hainan.

Tong Daochi, Party secretary of Sanya City, said the fund will aid the development of the environmental protection industry and small and micro businesses in Hainan, and help the province build itself into an international tourism consumption center.


Offshore trade pilot area coming soon to Hainan 

China's national offshore trade pilot area will be established at the Yangpu economic development zone in South China's Hainan province.

The Hainan Yangpu economic development zone will establish a national offshore trade pilot area and improve entry and exit management systems, according to the zone's management committee.

The area will promote pilot trade liberalization and investment facilitation policies in areas such as trade, finance and local currency settlement.

A public service platform for offshore trade will also be built to gradually improve the regulatory system for trade, logistics, capital and information to build a domestic and international supply center and cross-border logistics channel.


Hainan to ban disposable plastic bags, tableware by 2020

Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable will be phased out by 2020 in China's island province of Hainan, the provincial department of ecological environment announced Thursday.

The production, sale and use of such plastic products, in addition to bags and tableware, will be prohibited by 2025 in the province, a popular tourist destination in South China.

According to the government plan, Hainan will establish and perfect the regulations on banning plastic items by the end of the year. Administration and law enforcement will also be enhanced while ensuring the supply of alternative products.

Besides phasing out factories in the province, plastic products from other areas will also be barred from entering the island.


策划:陈书焕 叶海声

Responsible editor: 胥圣兰
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