The Voice of Hainan: Singaporean companies to set up shop in Haikou

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第19期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from


Singaporean companies to set up shop in Haikou


The delegation of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province signed agreements with four Singaporean internet enterprises during its visit to Singapore on Feb 22.

The Hainan delegation visited the Singapore Information Media Development Authority and Innovation and Entrepreneurship College of Nanyang Technological University, as well as several local internet companies, to learn about their current industrial planning and development situation. The Hainan government studied Singapore's advanced technology, brought in skilled talents, and introduced a list of cooperative projects.

Four Singaporean enterprises will set up operations in the Fullsing Town Internet Innovation Park in Haikou to carry out comprehensive cooperation. The two parties plan to work toward a brighter future for the development of the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

The cooperation platform between Hainan and Singapore has helped encourage Belt and Road countries to work together in terms of economy, technology, and culture, and especially in Internet Plus. The two parties will share resources to advance the construction of the Fullsing Town Internet Innovation Park and make joint efforts to explore potential markets in China.

Space program to open lunar data to public


China's Chang'e 4 unmanned lunar mission has been proceeding well and its scientific findings will be made available for free to anyone wishing to access them, according to a key figure in the nation's lunar program.

The probe has completed a topographical investigation of its landing vicinity. The rover, named Yutu 2, or Jade Rabbit 2, is moving to the northwest toward rough terrain to continue its scientific tasks.

"The Chang'e 4 mission has collected a lot of scientific data that will soon be available to the whole world," Wu said.

China will send its Chang'e 5 robotic probe to the moon around the end of this year and then use the spacecraft to bring samples back to Earth. If the mission is successful, China will become the third nation after the United States and the former Soviet Union to bring lunar soil back.

The Chang'e 5 probe will weigh about 8.2 metric tons and will be the largest and heaviest lunar probe made by China. It will consist of four components-orbiter, lander, ascender and re-entry module. The probe will be sent by China's largest carrier rocket, the Long March 5, from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the island province of Hainan.

Rare bird species spotted on Chinese Tropical Island


The White-browed crake, a rare bird species, has been seen at a wetland park in Sanya City, South China's Hainan province.

The White-browed crake is a small-billed bird around 20 cm long, with distinctive markings on the head and white eyebrows. They usually live in subtropical or tropical mangrove forests and can be found in Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and China.

The rare bird's conservation status has been classified as LC (least concern) on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.

Veteran bird-watcher Lu Gang said that the bird's presence in Sanya indicated that local environmental protection efforts were bearing fruit.

Sanya has been improving the ecology of its inland wetlands and coastal waters over the years.

News, China Daily, Xinhua

策划:陈书焕 叶海声

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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