The Voice of Hainan: Hainan's openness and confidence praised by the domestic and foreign media

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第21期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from


Hainan's openness and confidence praised by the domestic and foreign media


Recently, a number of domestic and foreign media have launched relevant reports of Hainan by focusing on the construction of free trade zone and free trade port, the regulation of real estate and optimization of economic structure, ecological environmental protection, and the expansion of the opening up. They focused on the construction of Hainan free trade zone and free trade port, praising Hainan's openness and confidence.

On March 8th, Morning News of CCTV-13 reported that in the past year, Hainan has vigorously promoted the construction of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, created an international business environment and promoted the construction of national ecological civilization pilot zone. The China Daily's special reports of the two sessions reported that Hainan was not only promoting the construction of the pilot free trade zone but also working hard to build a free trade port policy and institutional systems step by step.

On March 9th, the Russian news agency Tass published a report on Hainan's implementation of 59 country visa-free entry policy, the number of inbound airlines reached 74 and other achievements, praising the opening up of Hainan.

China to expand opening-up in international shipping, tourism, professional services in Hainan FTZ


BEIJING - China will expand opening-up in fields such as international shipping, tourism and professional services in Hainan as the southern Chinese island is building a pilot free trade zone (FTZ).

The government will support accelerated growth of sectors like medical and health services and international exhibitions to attract more innovative players, Zhong Shan, the minister of commerce, told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual legislative session Saturday.

More decision-making power in reform measures will be granted to the Hainan pilot FTZ in terms of trade and investment facilitation, government supervision and other aspects, Zhong added.

"The environment should never be compromised during the development of the Hainan pilot FTZ," Zhong said.

China announced plans in April 2018 to build a pilot FTZ covering the whole island and explore the establishment of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

News Source: English Channel, Xinhua

策划:陈书焕 叶海声

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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