The Voice of Hainan: Hainan Should Make Great Efforts to Improve Foreign Language Level

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第27期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from


Liu Zhenmin: Hainan Should Make Great Efforts to Improve Foreign Language Level

刘振民: 海南应下大力气提升外语水平

"Hainan should train a group of international tourism service talents to better build an international tourism consumption center." On March 29, Liu Zhenmin, the UN Under-Secretary-General of the Boao Forum for Asia 2019, said in an interview that Hainan has its natural advantages in terms of natural resources and climatic conditions.He suggested that Hainan should make great efforts to improve the level of education and cultural development and cultivate a multi-lingual international tourism service talent team.

"Hainan wants to become an international tourism consumption center and upgrade its internationalization level. Only economic development is not enough. It must be comprehensively developed in various fields such as education and culture." Liu Zhenmin said that the construction of an international tourism consumption center requires Hainan to provide international tourism. The ability to serve is very important.For example, international tourists come from all over the world and speak different languages. Hainan must have a tour guide team that can provide foreign language services such as English, in order to provide a good service experience for tourists.

Liu Zhenmin believes that the construction of a free trade zone and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics is a great opportunity for Hainan, but it is also a challenge.Hainan should participate in and integrate into the tide of internationalization. The key lies in talents. Hainan should make great efforts to improve the level of education and cultural development, and cultivate a large number of talents in various fields in order to better move toward internationalization.

Sanyuesan Festival to begin in Hainan


The four-day Sanyuesan Festival will be held from April 6 to 9 from two separate venues: Lingshui Li autonomous county and Wuzhishan city, Hainan province.

Various folk performances featuring love and gratitude will be staged at the Lingshui venue. A series of distinct activities will be offered for Zhuang minority youth to help them understand the meaning of the traditional festival.

People will not only be treated to romantic performances, but also get a chance to experience to bond with their family, hometown, and motherland.

Folk singing and dancing performances will also be held at the Wuzhishan venue. This year's highlight will be the sacrifice ceremony of the local Paolongkou culture. The event will be broadcast online, allowing more people to witness it.

source: This is Hainan,

策划:陈书焕 叶海声

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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