Hainan province has increased 38,000 new market entities in Q1

On April 19, in the office building of the Hainan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the numbers on the operation and monitoring platform of Hainan Commercial Entity Registration Platform (Hainan e-Registration) kept beating, clearly showing the real-time business acceptance and completion. Combining with related requirements, the staff was optimizing the system. "We are taking a series of measures to deepen commercial system reform, including improving Hainan e-registration function." The relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said.

Since this year, with the implement of "province-wide general transaction" system and the launch of e-registration, Hainan commercial registration has become more and more convenient, humanized, and intelligentized. The registration of enterprises in the whole province is not restricted by regional jurisdiction anymore, and online self-declaration does not need to be handled on site. Since Hainan e-registration began to run on January 2, up to April 1, about 37,700 commercial entities have been established through this platform.

In the past, many people came to the commercial registration window of the provincial government service center to submit materials and handle business registration. But since Hainan e-registration launched, the number of people, who went to this window to handle business, has obviously decreased, and the window is actively providing consulting services.

Hainan province has been boldly reforming and innovating the commercial registration system around the goal of building a legalized, international and convenient business environment. Thus, the "Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Registration in China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone" has been formally implemented on January 1 this year. Hainan has taken the lead in implementing system innovations in five aspects across the whole country, including the "island-wide general transaction" commercial registration, the simplification of simple cancellation notice procedures, the credit repair, the relief of negative information publicity for commercial entities, and the direct registration of foreign (regional) enterprises. It has also made momentous reforms in 13 aspects, including island-wide registration jurisdiction, self-declaration registration, registrar system, and identification of applicants. In the first quarter of this year, Hainan province has increased 38,000 new market entities, up 44.01% year on year.

The relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said that the next step is to promote the implementation of the "Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Registration in China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone", and accelerate the reform of the "separation of certificate and license", which has expanded from 106 items to 130 items. It would also enlarge the scope of reform items in key industrial fields, such as tourism, agriculture, medical care and health, which will gradually realize full coverage in Hainan pilot free trade zone. Meanwhile, it would continue to accumulate replicable and propagable reform experiences, reduce the start-up time of enterprise and explore the direct registration system for foreign (regional) enterprises.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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