Malaysia promotes business cooperation in Hainan


A Malaysian business delegation visits the Haikou National High-tech Zone. [Photo by Zhang Xiyi/]

A business delegation organized by the Malaysia Hainan General Chamber of Commerce arrived in Hainan on April 22 and will conduct a five-day business study in the island province.

During the period, the delegation will visit cities and counties such as Haikou, Sanya and Chengmai to learn more about Hainan's investment policies and find investment opportunities.

Delegation members visited several places in Haikon such as the Haikou National High-tech Zone, Qilou Old Street and Fushan Coffee Cultural Town on their first day. They were impressed by Hainan's rapid development in recent years and the great changes in the local business environment since the early exploration in constructing the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

Most of the members are young Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs working in industries like construction, catering, tourism and international trade. They will also seek investment opportunities in Hainan's key industries such as modern services and high and new technology.

The delegation reached a preliminary cooperation intention for talent introduction with the Haikou National High-tech Zone.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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