Chunguang Coconut Kingdom ranked as national 3A-level tourist spot

Aerial view of Chunguang Coconut Kingdom in Wenchang, Hainan [Photo/]

Chunguang Coconut Kingdom in Wenchang, Hainan province, was approved to be a national 3A-level tourist attraction, according to the Tourism Resource Planning and Development Quality Assurance Agency of Hainan Province on May 9. It increased Hainan's A-level tourist attractions to 54.

The approval was based on relevant national regulations regarding division, evaluation, and management of tourist attractions' quality grades after being recommended by the department of tourism, culture, radio, television and sports of Wenchang.

Chunguang Coconut Kingdom, a calling card of Hainan's, is China's first sightseeing plant site themed around coconuts. It is located in Longlou town, Wenchang, covering an area of 60 mu. With a total investment of 230 million yuan ($33.81 million) from Hainan Chunguang Foodstuff Co Ltd, Chunguang Coconut Kingdom aims to explore ornamental and recreational values of the food production industry, and has integrated research and development, science popularization, tours and sightseeing, and experience shopping.

Tourists visit Chunguang Coconut Kingdom in Wenchang, Hainan. [Photo by Hong Jianpeng/]

The scenic spot has standard and international coconut food production lines, which are rare in China. Tourists are offered the chance to see the magical process of changing coconuts into candy, biscuits or other snack foods by visiting production workshops, as well as research and development rooms. They can also experience the fun of making coconut treats in the parent-child DIY multi-purpose classroom.

Chunguang Coconut Kingdom will not only produce high-quality agricultural products in the future, but also attempt to attract tourists from all over the world to view the scenery of Hainan. It has seized the opportunity to promote coconut culture and has explored the model of combining agricultural products with tourism.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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