Hainan enterprises promote new flavors of Chinese rice-puddings

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is approaching again, Hainan's enterprises start to produce and promote new varieties of Zongzi, including chicken, beef, seafood and even chocolate flavors, to meet customers' different demands in the market.
In the past, pork and salted duck egg yolk are the most classic combination of fillings for Hainan Zongzi, the traditional Chinese rice-pudding for Dragon Boat Festival. In the food processing workshop of Hainan Longquan Group Co., Ltd., the workers are using chopsticks to skillfully wrap meat, salted duck egg yolk and sticky rice into zongzi leaves, then bind the zongzi with strings.
Meng Fanchao, director of the food factory of Hainan Longquan Group Co., Ltd., introduced that zongzi need more than ten hours of stewing and boiling, which can easily change the taste of chicken to be not tender, so new production techniques are required.
"The company started to develop the product line of chicken Zongzi in late April, lasted two weeks, conducted dozens of experiments, and finally produced the zongzi that meet customer's taste requirements," he said. 
"Comparing with pork, chicken Zongzi taste lighter, less greasy, and more tender, so the market response is good. Although the market price of chicken is more expensive than pork, the overall cost and price of Zongzi are not increased by using our own farmed chicken," said Meng Fanchao.  

In addition to chicken Zongzi, the group also introduced new varieties such as Wumi Zongzi (made of sticky rice with the juice of Vaccinium), Zangzang Zongzi (chocolate flavor), Babao Zongzi (made of mixed stuffing like red beans and red dates), to meet the different needs of customers.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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