The Voice of Hainan:Hainan Intl Film Festival to open submissions registration

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第45期)

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Hainan Intl Film Festival to open submissions registration

The 2nd Hainan International Film Festival will be held in Sanya in December.
It will establish the "Golden Coconut Award" for the first time, and the competition's registration channel will be open to the world on June 1st.
The annual award aims to enhance the brand competitiveness of the film festival according to the organizing committee. More excellent works and filmmakers are expected to be discovered and appreciated by the audience through the platform.
The festival will arrange 10 awards covering best film, director, actor, actress, sceenwriter, and technology in the categories of feature films, documentaries, and short feature films. This year's award has a generous bonus to show respect and encouragement to the participating filmmakers.
Participants can log in to the official website of the Hainan International Film Festival ( detail information and to register. The online registration will last to Aug 15.


Lingshui ranked among China's most beautiful shooting locations

Lingshui Li autonomous county in Hainan province was selected as one of China's top four most beautiful shooting locations at a promotion activity held on May 16 during the 72nd Cannes Film Festival.

With its unique tropical scenery and humanistic resources, Lingshui Li autonomous county has become a favorite place for filmmakers from home and abroad.

The film The Song of Lingshui, which was just shortlisted at the 7th Vancouver International Chinese Film Festival in Canada, has fully blended in the autonomous county's cultural elements such as Lingshui Diaoluo Mountain National Forest Park, Boundary Island, and Qingshui Bay. The movie tells a tortuous love story between a young Chinese man Zheng Yujie and Russian college student Anna, while also reflecting on the friendship between the two countries.


Responsible editor: 刘娉
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