Haikou went to The Hague in Netherlands to launch tourism promotion

At the invitation of The Hague & Partners, on May 24, the second stop of the Haikou delegation’s European tour went to The Hague, a royal city of Netherlands. With the participation of the local MICE tourism industry insiders, the Haikou delegation launched a series of marketing promotion activities through various forms including symposiums, meetings and visits, which gained high affirmation of the Dutch MICE tourism industry insiders. Also, the industry insiders are full of confidence in the long-term cooperation between the two coastal MICE cities.
On the morning of May 24 (local time), the Haikou delegation and the representatives of the Dutch MICE tourism had an in-depth communication and exchange on the integral development of exhibition industry and tourism industry. At the symposium, the tourism promotional films of Haikou and Hague were broadcast.
Mali Zhi, representative of The Hague & Partners, said that exhibition industry and cultural tourism industry have a natural industrial connection, and the linkage effect of their integral development will certainly be continuously strengthened, which will play an increasingly significant role in promoting regional economy. This visit of the Haikou delegation to the Hague has set up a communication platform between the two cities, which is bound to promote further cooperation in cultural tourism and exhibition between Haikou and The Hague.
The Haikou delegation and relevant personnel of the China Branch of the American Travel Consultants Association had introduced Haikou's tourism resources, high-end inbound tourism products, exhibition policies and construction of exhibition facilities there.
According to the actual development of Haikou and The Hague, the participants had an in-depth exchange on how to establish friendly relationship between the two places and to carry out international tourism and exhibition interactive activities. Besides, they also said that they would carry out further cooperation and communication in the future.

The Haikou delegation also went to the headquarters of the International Congress and Conference Association (ICCA) and met with the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of ICCA.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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