Hainan special project on Tass.com to showcase the progress and achievements of Hainan Free Trade Zone

Sun Dahai, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Andes Sokolov, Executive Deputy Director of Tass, jointly launched the ceremony of the Hainan Office of Tass. 

On June 6 in St. Petersburg, the special project dubbed 'Captivating Hainan: The Land of Promise' on Tass.com has been launched on the promotion conference of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the special project for Hainan on Tass.com is created as the product of deepening cooperation between Tass news agency and Hainan province.
As one of the top five news agencies worldwide, Tass news agency is the official network platform with the highest level, largest scale, most users and widest news coverage in the Russian-speaking region.
In September 2018 and January 2019, Hainan provincial government and Tass news agency signed the Cooperation Memo in Moscow and the Cooperation Agreement in Haikou on cultural promotion, which laid the solid foundation for bilateral cooperation. Based on the Agreement, both sides will constantly strengthen information exchanges and develop strategic partnership in the future.
The newly launched Hainan special project on Tass.com focuses on the promotion of new policies, measures, progress and achievement of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Zone. It also sets up some sections about Hainan's economy, history and culture, city, medical and education, tourism, nature and climate, contributing to a panoramic view of the new beautiful Hainan.
In addition, Tass news agency will also offer various news reports about Hainan province in the section to over 2 million subscribers worldwide, along with two pieces of news report each day about the construction of Hainan Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics on the Russian-English bilingual homepage of Tass.com.
According to Tass news agency, news report about Hainan is an important part of that about China. Tass will integrate its media resources with an elite team to promote Hainan special project.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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