Haikou listed as one of the most desirable destinations for overseas tourists

On June 13th, the 2019 Belt and Road International Tourism Forum on New Business Opportunities was held in Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Center. The forum released the list of mainland destinations that most overseas tourists want to visit. Haikou is included in the list.

The Belt and Road International Tourism Forum on New Business Opportunities was jointly held by Hongkong Commercial Daily, China Economic Herald and Global Commercial Newspapers Union. So far, four sessions have been held.

In recent years, Haikou has intensified its market development and foreign exchanges, and the influence of the city has been continuously enhanced. In 2018, Haikou Meilan International Airport operated 47 international and regional routes. Relying on the favorable policies of visa-free access to tourists from 59 countries and the increase on offshore duty-free shopping allowance, Haikou has completed the task of developing the aviation market to cover 10 ASEAN countries in an all-round way. The overseas passenger throughput has reached 1.1485 million, a year-on-year increase of 28.9%, and overnight passenger reception has reached 261.3 thousand, an increase of 43.62%. 

Haikou will strive to open more international routes, initially forming a regional aviation hub covering Southeast Asia and connecting Australia, Europe, Japan and Korea. At the same time, Haikou will speed up the construction of Changying Wonderland Theme Park and other tourism areas, accelerate the construction of Haikou Bay National Ocean Park Yacht Wharf Base, and also develop mass yacht leisure experience project.

Source: Haikou Daily

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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