The Voice of Hainan: South China's island province to implement garbage sorting next year

南海网"This is Hainan" 英文频道英语音频新闻节目《海南之声》(第54期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from



South China's island province to implement garbage sorting next year

South China's island province Hainan has completed the drafting of the plan to implement garbage sorting in 2020, the provincial department of housing and urban-rural development said.

The plan includes the goals, responsibilities of concerned parties and requirements for garbage sorting, according to the department. It aims to recycle over 35 percent of the province's domestic garbage by 2021.

Currently, the province mainly adopts the modes of landfill and incineration for garbage disposal.

So far, a total of 21 domestic garbage disposal facilities have been built in Hainan, including 16 landfills and 5 waste incineration power plants. Some 250 garbage transfer stations and 12,500 garbage collection points have been built.

An integrated urban-rural garbage disposal system has also been established as 95 percent of the villages in the province have facilities for garbage collection and transportation, while the village cleaners in Hainan totaled about 19,000.


Wenchang dubbed 'Home of Tilapia in China'

A fisherman shows a tilapia just caught from sea. [Photo/]

Wenchang in Hainan province was recently granted the title of "Home of Tilapia in China" by the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance after an expert review was conducted.

The expert panel reached consensus that Wenchang had qualified for the title with its large tilapia industrial scale, high product quality, significant brand effect, prominent economic benefits, strong policy support, and high sustainability.

Wenchang has attached great importance to its tilapia industry development. Its yield and aquatic breeding area of tilapia topped the list among domestic cities and counties at the same level. The products have rich nutrition with good flavor.

Tilapia, which is one of the most consumed fish in Europe, North America, and South America, has become the top fishery export in South China's Hainan province, generating an export volume of 2.07 billion yuan ($299.8 million) over the past year.

An aquaculture chain consisting of producers and farmers has gradually taken shape since tilapia entered the province in the 1980s.

Source: Xinhua,


Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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