Optimized service of Haikou Customs ensuring the smooth entry of 1500 crab-eating macaques

On June 24th, 1500 crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) from Phnom Penh, Cambodia for the use of reproduction, breeding and science research carried by air arrived safely at Haikou Meilan International Airport at 14:12 p.m., and got through the procedure of port entry clearance smoothly under the supervision of Haikou customs at the airport.

Crab-eating macaque, also called long-tailed macaque or Java macaque, is a cercopithecidae primate native to Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and some small islands. As one kind of China’s second-class protected animals, the crab-eating macaque tends to look for crabs or shellfish at the seaside after ebbing, hence its name.

In order to effectively safeguard the safety of national protected animal and ensure the fast customs clearance of the imported crab-eating macaques, Hainan Meilan International Airport Customs adopted a comprehensive supervision mode.In the early stage, Haikou customs contacted with consignors, agencies and in-process inspection companies to know about the schedule, transportation and epidemic situation in the exported country. In the middle stage, after arriving, Haikou customs immediately arranged the work of check out, epidemic prevention and disinfection to ensure the fast customs clearance. In the later stage, Haikou customs supervised the transport of the crab-eating macaques in terms of the established routes.

Source: Hainan Daily

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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