Haikou launches new measures to optimize business environment

Project centralized approval to crack "intestinal obstruction"

On the morning of July 5, Haikou held the first special meeting on centralized project approval to discuss the "intestinal obstruction" problems encountered in the approval process of a number of construction projects in Haikou. It is understood that this is the specific measures Haikou takes to implement the "policy implementation year" deployment, improve the efficiency of administrative approval, and optimize the business environment.

The main responsible person of Haikou Municipal Administration, Housing and Urban Construction Bureau, Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and Landscape and Environment Sanitation Bureau related to the administrative examination and approval of the project participated in the meeting. At the same time, the staff of the Haikou Municipal Committee Supervision Office and the Haikou Municipal Government Supervision Office also presented. After listening to the briefing, the follow-up progress of the project will be traced and supervised.

The heads of various departments first sorted out the overdue and retreat problems encountered in the project approval. In response to questions raised, everyone discussed for specific solutions.

Finally, the special meeting also determined the time limit for the inspection and approval of the project. According to the Implementation Plan for the Centraized Examination and Approval Day of the Project Implementation Year of Haikou City, the city should further reduce the time limit for processing.The approval time for each stage of the approval process is 7 days, and all matters are reviewed and approved simultaneously; the “five network” construction project is required to meet the requirement of “minimalist approval” to completed all approval items within 3 working days. Approvals exceeding the above-mentioned deadlines are considered overdue.

Yan Lei, Haikou Municipal Government executive deputy mayor concluded that in the future, Haikou will hold a special meeting of the mayor for centralized examination and approval of projects once a week. In addition, in order to regulate the acceptance of examination and approval, it is not allowed to withdraw files at will. The reasons for withdrawing files must be given in detail. Examination and approval items have been withdrawn more than twice for different reasons indicating that the functional departments did not inform the enterprises of the problems at one time, which would be regarded as an abnormal examination and approval.

In order to improve the quality of examination and approval, he also put forward higher requirements for various departments - to change "management" into "service." "To take the initiative to intervene, and give enterprises a list to explain design specifications, fire protection standards etc. in advance. Under this premise, come back and carry out supervision afterwards."

Wu Qiuyun, Director of the Haikou Municipal Administration Bureau, said that the centralized examination and approval system has improved the communication efficiency between various functional departments and solved the contradiction between enterprise demand and administrative examination and approval in project approval, which will become a powerful booster for Haikou to build a service-oriented government and optimize the business environment.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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