Foreigners entering Hainan can apply for temporary driving permit at airport Commence on August 1

In order to further facilitate the travel of overseas personnel in Hainan, the Ministry of Public Security has launched three pilot policies for facilitating the entry of foreigners and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in Hainan.On July 5, it’s learned from the Traffic Police Corps of the Provincial Department of Public Security that the Hainan Traffic Management Department is carefully preparing for the relevant convenience policies of the Ministry of Public Security to support Hainan’s implementation of the entry permit, and to ensure that the procedures can be implemented from August 1. 

The Ministry of Public Security recently issued relevant convenience policies to support Hainan's implementation of the entry driving permit. One is to relax the conditions for applying for temporary driving licenses, the second is to extend the use period of temporary driving permits, and the third is to provide convenient communication services to meet the different needs of overseas personnel traveling,working and living in Hainan.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Traffic Police Corps said that at present, the provincial traffic control department is formulating the “Regulations on the Application and Use of Temporary Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses in Hainan Province” and the “Implementation Rules for the Provisional Motor Vehicle Driving License Business in Hainan Province” to ensure that they can be implemented from August 1.Recently, traffic management service stations will be set up at airports, ports and other entry and exit stations to facilitate the entry of foreigners for temporary motor vehicle driving licenses, and actively implement new modes such as online booking applications and online learning and education. To change online to both online and offline multi-channel services, carefully prepared multi-language safe and civilized driving manuals for temporary entry drivers and online multi-lingual safe and civilized driving reminders.In the future, Hainan will continue to expand the service points and consultation points for overseas motor vehicle drivers to apply for temporary driving permits, so as to ensure that overseas motor vehicle drivers are aware of the application process, and to facilitate the application process and make travel safe and civilized.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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