Hainan seeks to boost oil and gas industry through talent introduction

South China's Hainan province held a special promotion conference on July 11 to attract more talents into the province's oil and gas industry. 

As one of the 12 key industries in Hainan, the oil and gas industry has made remarkable achievements in recent years. Centered in Yangpu, an economic development zone in Hainan, and the Dongfang Industrial Park, the oil and gas industry has formed a comprehensive industry chain integrating exploration, processing, transportation, and trade. 

The opportunities created by the Maritime Silk Road and the construction of the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone have attracted many enterprises and talents to Hainan. However, the expansion and development of the oil and gas market still face challenges, as the requirement of talents remains high and the infrastructure level in the industrial area remains low.

Li Zhong, chief engineer from CNOOC's Hainan branch, said that Hainan should strengthen policy support for high-tech enterprises, as well as enhance the efficiency of high-level talents identification and the promotion of cooperation in scientific research projects. 

Combing the suggestions from enterprises and experts, the Hainan Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department said that the province would work hard in aspects such as enhancing its industrial strength, rolling out more preferential policies, creating a more favorable environment, and improving talent cultivation mechanisms. 

The government will support Yangpu and Dongfang Industrial Park with more preferential policies, improving the working conditions for talents, as well as accelerating the construction of medical and educational facilities for them. It will also promote the innovation of the industry, as well as increase in-depth cooperation between industries, universities, and research institutes to enhance the teaching and scientific research level of universities in Hainan and promote talent training in Hainan's oil and gas industry.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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