Hainan launches cruise route trial

A few days ago, Hainan issued the “Pilot Implementation Plan for Hainan Cruise Routes”. With the focus on the strategic positioning of Hainan as the international tourism centre, it will proceed the trial for Chinese-funded non Five-Starred Red Flag cruise ship. It aims to accelerate the development of Sanya port, enrich the Hainan cruise route related products, and expand the space of cruise tourism development, so as to make Hainan a distinctive cruise tourism destination.

It refers to the route that sails from Sanya and Haikou ports in Hainan, then voyage inside approved water areas without stopping at any other ports, and finally returns to the port of departure. Before the Five-Starred Red Flag cruise ship put into operation, the Chinese-funded cruise ship may operate the owned or bareboat charter non Five-Starred Red Flag cruise ships as trial.

The Chinese-funded cruise operator refers to the legal body of enterprise who is engaged in international cruise transportation business,  and keeps the International Liner Shipping Operation Qualification Registration Certificate. The Chinese-funded (Mainland Capital) capital contribution ratio of the operator should not be less than 51%. The age of vessel should not exceed 30 years. The Chinese cruise ship transport operator shall not arbitrarily sublet the pilot ships to others. Once sublet, the cruise will automatically be disqualified from the pilot business as of the effective date of the lease contract.

In addition, the scheme encourages Chinese cruise operators to design a wide variety of cruise routes. It would meet the diverse needs of tourists and residents like sunrise watching, marine cultural experience, theme cruise experience, corporate leisure business travel, private parties, etc..

Source: Haikou Daily

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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