Li and Miao ethnic cultures spotlighted at Hainan's Qixi celebrations

Qixi Festival, or the Chinese version of Valentine's Day, will be observed by couples across China on Aug 7 this year, and Hainan already marked the event with a special blind date activity.

Hainan Binglanggu (Betelnut Valley) Li and Miao Cultural Heritage Park, a national 5A tourism attraction, invited over 70 single young men and women to take part in the blind date on Aug 4, as well as immerse themselves in the distinctive cultures and folk customs of Li and Miao ethnic groups. 


Holy water is sprayed to visitors for a blessing. [Photo/]

Ji Gui, general manager of the park, addressed the audience at the opening ceremony, stressing that the park has been dedicated to offering Hainan's unique culture to inbound visitors.

After the opening ceremony, young people from the Li ethnic group in Hainan dressed up in distinctive costumes and staged special dances choreographed for Qixi Festival. The 70 young guests were treated to a variety of interactive activities such as tug-of-war in water and catching loaches in water. 


Young people enjoy a tug-of-war in water at the Binglanggu (Betelnut Valley) Li and Miao Cultural Heritage Park. [Photo/] 


Members of the Li and Miao ethnic groups stage a distinctive dance in the water. [Photo/] 

The tourist attraction also organized a campfire party in the evening, with dances, songs, and band performances staged to entertain visitors.

Five couples became love birds through the activity and the park prepared a special gift of free travel coupons for them.


Young people dance and sing at Binglanggu Li and Miao Cultural Heritage Park in Hainan. [Photo/]


The park offers a special gift of free travel coupons for love birds. [Photo/] 

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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