Hainan to pilot reform in intl talent administration

Hainan has gained authorization to pilot reform in international talent management in a bid to further open up the talent market and build a talent team that meets the needs of the Hainan Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, according to a program launched together by seven central government departments.

The program -- jointly issued by seven central government departments including the Organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Education -- supports Hainan to carry out pilot reform in international talent management and explore the establishment of a management system that attracts foreign high-tech professionals.

High-end foreign professionals who meet the country’s high-end job classification criteria for foreigners can enjoy the foreign talent visa, known as the R visa, said the program. It added that Hainan has also been granted the right to draft other criteria for talented people that are urgently needed in Hainan and offer them R visas.

It said the central government supports Hainan in formulating its conditions for approving jobs and businesses for foreign technical personnel.

Restrictions will be eased on the management of research funds for foreign experts who participate in Hainan's scientific research projects.

The Hainan FTZ will be allowed to pilot foreign investment access to the local human resources market by allowing wholly foreign-owned companies to set up their own talent intermediaries, and allowing foreign investors to become shareholders in Chinese-funded talent intermediaries.

In about 10 to 15 years, Hainan is expected to train and cultivate a large-scale, rationally structured, high-quality and energetic talent team suitable for the Hainan Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, said the program.

Responsible editor: 刘娉
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