The 6th batch of Hainan Pilot FTZ construction projects launched

On the morning of September 18th, the construction and signing ceremony of the sixth batch of construction projects of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone were launched simultaneously in relative cities and counties of Hainan province, with Haikou city as the main venue.

Hainan has a total of 110 construction projects with the total investment of 61.24 billion yuan; 76 contracted projects with the total investment of 21.3 billion yuan.

Since 2018, Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone has held six batches of centralized construction and contract signing activities, with a total of 664 construction projects and the total investment of 309.8 billion yuan. It has signed 348 project contracts with the total investment of 354.5 billion yuan.

Since July 19, 2019, Hainan has newly increased 58,000 market entities, an increase of 112.6% year-on-year, with 14 new enterprises established in the province.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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