Alabamian highly dedicated to education in Hainan


A ceremony is held to mark Mills' donation to ethnic minority areas in Hainan. [Photo/] 

Eddie Stephen Mills has been teaching in Hainan for 26 years and the Alabamian has been resolute in contributing his strengths to education in Hainan.

There was only one teaching building at Hainan College of Foreign Studies when Mills first arrived, he recalled. But now, according to him, the campus area is three times the size of the original one, and it is well designed and beautiful.

While teaching in the island province, Mills realized that he could only help a limited number of students solely by himself. The development of Hainan's English language education requires more foreign language teachers and higher levels in their quality. As a result, it is necessary to attach great importance to teacher introduction and training. 

The American English teacher said that since 1993, he had recommended nearly 100 foreign experts to Hainan to engage in education and teaching activities, helping promote the development of Hainan's English education, while setting an example for the introduction of foreign experts. 

"This is one of the proudest things I have done in my life," he said.   

In 2000, Mills launched a non-profit education institution - the International Education Exchange Association (IEEA), seeking to offer a greater platform for China-US cultural exchanges. 

The IEEA recruits foreign students, encourages them to come to Hainan, and incentivizes them to improve the English proficiency of local students in the province.  

In the past few years, more than 300 international students have come to Hainan through IEEA programs. They have said that they liked to work in Hainan, try the local food, and enjoy living in the island province, as well as communicate with local teachers and students. 

As his in-depth understanding of Hainan increased, Mills found that English education in Hainan ethnic minority areas was relatively lagging behind, which drove him to put more energy in local education. 

"I spent all the money raised by the IEEA to fund education in Hainan's ethnic minority areas," he said. 

From 2000 to 2003, he donated nearly 600 sets of desks and chairs, as well as school supplies to four primary schools in Baisha and Baoting of Hainan. He also helped a school in Qiongzhong to renovate its buildings. 

On Jan 9, 2007, Mills became one of the first foreign experts in Hainan to obtain a permanent residence permit. In July of this year, he was recruited as an "Overseas Communications Officer" of the Hainan International Communication Center, further engaging in spreading the stories of Hainan to the world.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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