Hainan float wins 'innovation award' after Beijing parade


The Hainan float in the parade on Oct 1 in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. [Photo/people.com.cn]

After winning great acclaim at a parade on Oct 1 in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Hainan float was recently honored with the "Innovation Award" by parade organizers.

Three types of awards were offered to those selected from 34 floats participating in the parade by experts and then evaluated in terms of their creativity, craftsmanship, and artistic effects.

The Hainan thematic float started its preparation in March this year and was made under concerted efforts from nine departments in the province. It aimed to display the development achievements, as well as the distinctive local features of the South China province. 

The design work was undertaken by Hainan Images Agency, whose designers worked to showcase Hainan's development accomplishment though local elements. 

Twelve students from the Hainan Provincial Tourism School dressed up as Miss Worlds, the Red Detachment of Women, tourists, athletes, and members of the Li ethnic group, striving to present a comprehensive look at Hainan to spectators. 

The float will be shipped to Hainan on Oct 19 and then go on a tour in counties and cities across the island.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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