Hainan-themed float to begin a tour in Hainan from Sansha city


The Hainan float in the parade on Oct 1 in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. [Photo/people.com.cn]

On the afternoon of October 14, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Hainan Province held a meeting about the tour of the Hainan-themed float celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the new China, and introduced the "Innovation Award" received by the float as well as its stories behind. It is reported that the float will arrive in Hainan, embarking its tour with the first station of Sansha city.

The head of the leading group indicated in the meeting that the float was made under concerted efforts from several departments in the province, which should share the honor of "Innovation Award". The staff will fully serve the tour of the float across the province.

According to the introduction, out of the limits of size, the float would be semi-installed at Qinglan port in Wenchang and be finalized after arriving at Sansha city. It is worth mentioning that during the tour of various cities and counties, outstanding party members and cadres as well as representatives of the masses can enter the float for visiting. 

The related responsible person said that it is of special significance to make the tour of the float begin from Sansha. The white Hainan-themed float, in the shape of a cruise liner, shipped to Beijing with the best wishes of Hainan people for the motherland. Now, the float will return to Hainan and share its honor with Hainan people from the southernmost city of China.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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