The World Tourism Exchange 2019 to be held in Haikou

Photo from the official website of the World Tourism Exchange 2019.

Focused on China's inbound tourism, the World Tourism Exchange will be held at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center in Haikou from October 22nd to 24th , according the news press on October 17th.

It is expected that about 150 personnel consisting of the international buyers from European and western markets, as well as the representatives from international medias and international tourism industry associations such as American Tourism Wholesales Association and American National Tourism Association, will attend the event.

Photo from the official website of the World Tourism Exchange 2019.

The event is hosted by Haikou Municipal Government, and co-organized by the Bureau of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Haikou, Haikou Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Shanghai Beyond Summits Ltd.

Responsible editor: 陈书敏
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