Hainan to build an international tourism environment

The 2019 World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou) Photo by Chen Wang

Hainan to present original culture and connotative tourism products

Hainan Island has the reputation of "Oriental Hawaii". But it is an urgent need for local tourism companies in Hainan to stand out from the world's tourist destinations with tropical island style as a selling point, providing unique tourism products for international tourists.

“Hainan is China's Hainan, showing Chinese culture,” Hou Ying, chairman of the China Board of ASTA, believes that the unique Chinese culture is Hainan's biggest feature. It has been said that in the past few days, the guests had experienced the tourist attractions of Haikou. They believe that the ecology and culture of the attractions are quite unique such as  Haikou Volcanic Cluster Global Geopark and the Haikou Qilou Old Street. These resources should be used to design richer and more connotative tourism products.

"European and American tourists usually arrange 10 to 14 days for the trips in China. They may usually go to 3 to 5 cities, which will be a comprehensive and in-depth tour," Hou Ying suggested that Hainan can be bundled with other destinations' tourism such as Xi'an, Beijing, Guilin, Shanghai, Three Gorges and other places that international travelers like. It can become a packaged products of China's inbound tourism, allowing visitors to experience the culture and customs of different regions in China.

"We should change our thoughts of tourism to consider more about the characteristics of the attractions and present the original beauty for tourists ," Some guests also suggested that the original local tourism products are more attractive to international tourists.

Hainan to make good use of policies of the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Free Trade port to create an international tourism environment

Accurate and powerful promotions may enhance Hainan's competitiveness in the world tourism market. Hou Ying recognizes the development of Haikou “Tourism + Exhibition”, “it is a good timing to promote Haikou to the world by organizing international conferences, attracting participants and the media, and spreading the information after the experience,”said Hou Ying.

Director of product sales at China Tours Hamburg GmbH said that in the past, foreign families came to China for tourism, and the visa fees were not cheap. After the implementation of the visa exemption policy for the 59 countries in Hainan, not only the entry is more convenient, but also the travel cost is reduced. The amount of tourists from Germany to Hainan are continuing to grow. “The policy should be promoted to more international travel agents,”said Hambueg GmbH.

"Hainan is building the pilot free trade zone and the free trade port, and has continuously increased its opening to the outside world. It has also transmitted two signals to international tourists. First of all, Hainan welcomes everyone. Secondly, Hainan's tourism service has been endorsed by the government, since its quality and credibility are guaranteed. Hou Ying said that these have enhanced the confidence of international tourists to travel to Hainan.

An international tourism environment is essential to enhance the tourist experience. Through the experience of Hainan tourism service, some guests suggested that tourists from Russia, South Korea, Europe and the United States are the main tourists for Hainan. It could be efficient to equip the staff with translation machines or software to improve communication since it could be difficult for the staff of the hotel and the scenic area to master the languages ​​of these countries.

Responsible editor: 丁昕
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