The second Sanya Jiyang District Photo Competition (The Poetic Lucheng, Charming Jiyang)

  By Afra Jin/ Hellosanya

  Two days, 40 photographers, thousands of photos--this is the result of the second Photo Competition (The Poetic Lucheng, Charming Jiyang). Photograghers opened a magnificent scroll of the Jiyang District to the public:Against the mountain and overlooking the sea,Sanya is a famous seaside tourist city. Dadonghai Area,Yacht Port and deluxe hotels are located here, welcoming guests from all over the world.



  The ultimate goal of any city is not only to grow to become a great city but also to make it's citizens happy. Sanya is known as the happiest city in China. Although they are from all walks of life, people here showed happy smiles in front of camera. “One city,One homeland”--They rejoice in the development of Sanya. They are satisfied with the ever improving standard of living,they contribute to the construction of Sanya. Villagers have benefited greatly from the construction of "Beautiful Village". The government has been repairing roads and planting trees to help them prosper,they have faith that life will get better and better.



  Photography is not only an artistic form,but also an attitude towards life. Photographers are gifted with the unique talent of stopping time,they make it possible to capture every frame of life. There are plenty of beautiful things around us but very few are found,we don't have free time to appreciate them in the hustle and bustle of city life.

  Photogragher Xiaocao who took part in this competition said that she has taken a train to the seaside just to catch a glimpse of the sunset. She describes the Sanya sunset as a sight that will last for thousands of years.

  Discover beautiful things in life,keep them forever through a lens.


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