[双语报道]独家丨17国驻华使节参访团点赞海南生态环保 借鉴经验带回各国


  南海网、南海网客户端海口1月22日消息(南海网记者 胥圣兰)1月15日至18日,来自斯里兰卡、斯洛文尼亚、保加利亚、哥斯达黎加、秘鲁、西班牙、索马里等17国驻华使节在海南展开了为期4天的实地调研。海南的历史文化、生态环保和热带高效农业、旅游、医疗健康等产业发展给各国驻华大使留下深刻印象,大家纷纷点赞海南的发展成果,表示要将海南经验带回自己的国家,努力寻求双方的深度合作。











  Envoys from 17 countries inspired by Hainan's ecological protection

  by Xu Shenglan

  On January 15, diplomatic envoys from Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Peru, Spain and other 17 foreign embassies in China launched a five-day trip in Hainan Province, the southernmost part of China.

  The delegation was impressed by the local industries of health care, historical culture, ecological protection, tropic agriculture and tourism, and stated that they would share the experience they learned in Hainan when they return home, and expect further cooperation with Hainan in the future.

  After visiting the clean energy projects in Haikou, the capital city of Hainan Province, the Ambassador of Fiji to China H.E. Mr. Manasa R. Tagicakibau said he learned a lot yesterday in terms of cleanness and waste management.

  “You cannot really do waste management if you do not have facilities at the end to process the waste,” he said, “we will try to keep the environment as clean as possible, our seas, our beaches, the environment itself, to sustain.”

  According to H.E. MME.Tania S. Y. Romualdo, the Ambassdor of Cape Verde to China, more than 40 students from Cape Verde are studying in Sanya, a sister city with Sal Island of Cape Verde.

  Cape Verde has close relationship with Hainan in the fields of economy, education and tourism in the past, and this visit also enhances her understanding to Hainan, which attaches great importance to the preservation of loccal environment.

  "We visited some interesting projects these days in Hainan, we saw some in the fields of agriculture and health, they are all very ecological projects, and these are the things we are also looking at, developing our tourism but not harm the environment," she said.

  "We have some protected species, we don’t want to lose them, and we want to be sure that the environment is respected, so I think what Hainan is doing now and had been done during the last 30 years is something we can learn, not only inspiration, but also apply the technology and knowledge to our own reality in Cape Verde," she added.

  H.E. Mr. GrigorPorozhanov, the Ambassador of Bulgaria to China, also speaks highly of the ecological protection in Hainan while developing tourism and hospitality industries.

  “Investors nowadays want to establish social responsibility, enterprises have to show to the world that they are considering all the ecological requirements, that’s very important for us now. Hainan in that sense is doing its best,“ H.E. Mr. GrigorPorozhanov told hinews.cn.

  The well-received visit has left an unforgettable memory for the foreign diplomatic envoys in China, who told hinews.cn that they expected to share what they saw and what they heard in Hainan with the people in their own countries. They are looking forward to further understanding and cooperation with Hainan in the near future.

  Ambassador of Bulgaria to China: Bulgarian people are very interested in experiencing China, Hainan for me is a really good positive surprising, so I think we have a lot to do, but also bright future to see.

  Ambassador of Slovenia to China: I'm sure that many of our experts would be happy to visit Hainan, and to learn from the experiences how do you realize the projects, we would also invite the experts from Hainan island from different fields of industry, like the ports facilities, the logistics, hospitality industry, because we have plenty of experience to share.

  Ambassador of Fiji to China: Fuji looks forward to communicating with Hainan in tourism industry, and probably getting Hainan people to Fiji, and Fiji people coming to Hainan.

  Ambassador of Spain to China: We would be very happy to look forward to cooperation between Spain and Hainan in the future, we can do it in some ways like sports, and tourism clearly we can do more things.

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