

  海招网、南海网、南海网客户端海口1月22日消息(南海网记者 胥圣兰) 1月15日至18日,西班牙、斯洛文尼亚、白俄罗斯等17国驻华使节在海南进行实地考察,了解海南历史文化、生态环保以及热带高效农业、旅游业、医疗健康等产业发展的情况,以增进理解、谋求合作。西班牙驻华大使德斯卡亚在接受南海网记者专访时表示,海南天生就有成为自由贸易区的优势,海南自由贸易区大有可为。







  “我们非常高兴巴塞罗那学校来到海口,我们很自豪巴塞罗那选择了海南,一个非常棒的球队,这意味着他们看到了海南的潜力,以及这所学校在未来的巨大可能。西班牙在广州也有一个足球学校,可能未来两所学校会成为竞争对手。” 德斯卡亚笑着说。

  Ambassador of Spain to China: Hainan is a natural place for free trade zone

  by Xu Shenglan

  On January 15, diplomatic envoys from Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Peru, Spain and other 17 foreign embassies in China launched a five-day trip in Hainan, and investigated the local industries of health care, historical culture, ecological protection, tropic agriculture and tourism.

  “The geography of Hainan makes it a natural place for the free trade zone, it can be a great success,” the Ambassador of Spain to China H.E. Mr. Rafael DezcallarMazarredo told hinews.cn.

  Although it’s the first time for the ambassador to visit Hainan, he was still fascinated by the beautiful scenery and rapid development of Hainan.

  “I enjoyed the harbor very much, the yachts club, the environment and the facilities that are shown to us in the previous day,” he said, “the local government had done a very good job, from organizing this trip, the progress that Hainan has made in the last 10 or 20 years, for me for instance, to see the yacht club area which didn’t exit 20 years ago, so clearly you are doing great progress.”

  The nation decided to support Hainan in building the whole island into a pilot free trade zone in April, 2018, the ambassador said this is a very good opportunity for both sides to seek international cooperation.

  "The Chinese government has a long experience in free trade zones, the first one in Shanghai was a huge success, from that experience, I’m sure they would develop the right combination to make Hainan a free trade zone," said the ambassador, "I think the geography of Hainan, in the most southern part of China, close to other countries, make Hainan a natural place for the free trade zone."

  Having seen the development of economy in Hainan and China in the last 40 years of the opening up and reform, the ambassador is sure that the free trade zone would continue to help enlarging and deepening the economic development of Hainan.

  During the interview, the ambassador introduced the customs and local culture of Spain to the local media, including the legendary football club FC Barcelona (FCB), which opened the first FCB football school outside of Spain in Haikou in February 2017.

  "We are very happy about the school, we are proud Barcelona has chosen Hainan for this project, a very nice team, If they had chosen Hainan it’s because they see the potential here, for the school with a great possibility in the future," said the ambassador.

  "The Real Madrid also has a football school in Guangzhou, so maybe it’s a rival competing with each other," he said with a smile.

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