

海南省省长 沈晓明

Six Musts and Six Mustn’ts in working with market entities

Shen Xiaoming, Governor of Hainan Province


On the afternoon of Sep 15, the Hainan Government’s plenary meeting with an enlarged-scale participation was convened. The aim of the meeting was to fully carry out the spirit of the Sep 11 national teleconference on deepening the reform to “delegate power, streamline administration and improve service” and optimizing business environment as well as the speech and deployment by secretary Liu Cigui at the Aug 31 mobilization meeting on building a first-class business environment in Hainan Free Trade Port, to keep with the top level domestic business environment, to make policy implementation precise and officials down-to-earth and responsible, and to spare no effort in creating a Hainan model of a pro-business environment to ensure that it will become a top-level environment nationwide by 2025. During the meeting, Governor Shen Xiaoming put forward the “six musts and six mustn’ts” principle for working with market players.


I. Six Musts


1) We must appropriately put the role and contribution of market entities in place, show a caring, tolerant and encouraging attitude toward the development of market entities, take the initiative to serve them and do a good job in the publicity, interpretation and implementation of policies and measures to ensure that market entities are well-informed of, familiar with and can make good use of the policies.


2) We must treat all types of market entities on equal footing, and ensure that the same criteria shall be applied indiscriminately to domestic and foreign-invested enterprises, to state-owned and privately-owned enterprises, and to micro, small, medium and large enterprises regarding funding arrangements, land supply, tax reduction and exemption, qualification and licensing, standard setting, project declaration, job title evaluation, human resource policies, etc.


3) We must adopt scientific approaches in decision-making, extensively solicit and consider the opinions and suggestions raised by enterprises and entrepreneurs when formulating business-related policies, reserve a reasonable buffer period for policy adjustments that might increase business costs and affect the normal production and operation of enterprises, allow sufficient time for businesses to adapt to new policies and make compensation in accordance with laws and regulations should the legal rights and interests of the businesses be harmed due to policy change.


4) We must perform administration according to law, apply administrative licensing in strict accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen supervision with a “random inspector, random subject and open result” approach taken along with joint spot checks, minimize the impact on the normal production and operation of market entities, and try to avoid interference in business operation when there is no sufficient reason for further inspection.


5) We must keep the communication channels unblocked, get a clear picture of the difficulties and problems encountered by market entities in their production and operation in a timely manner by applying multiple methods, through multiple channels and on multiple levels, listen to their feedback and demand, and facilitate addressing the issues in a law-abiding way.


6) We must take a bold attitude toward developing normal working relations with market entities, and be proactive to assist them in carrying out business matching and promotion activities under the premise of abiding by laws, regulations and principles.


II. Six Mustn’ts


1) We mustn’t allow the abuse of authority to interfere with economic activities in the marketplace such as business bidding, land-use right transference, engineering construction, real estate development, financial loans and credit and procurement of goods.


2) We mustn’t force or disguisedly force market entities to take part in any competition, compliance, commendation, training, assessment, testing or similar activities, or to use the said activities to charge market entities in an either straight or disguised manner.


3) We mustn’t use the adjustment of administrative regions, change of government, institutional or functional adjustments, or replacement of responsible persons as excuses for failure in policy commitments made to market entities or various contracts concluded with them according to law, or for default in payment of goods, projects, services delivered by them.


4) We mustn’t designate or disguisedly designate intermediary service agencies to market entities, or illegally force market entities to accept intermediary services.


5) We mustn’t allow any illegal inspection, allocation, fee charging, fines, or fund raising to get in the way of normal production and operation of market entities and increase the burden on them.


6) We mustn’t take advantage of the convenience of working and interacting with businesses to illegally charge fees on them or even seek personal gains, obtain a profit or accept property.


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